Mobilizing 440.000 nature protectors

Petitions & surveys to raise awareness for nature protection

What I did

UX design
Design reviews


iO - development
PuurPXL - visual design
Jalt - campaigns



IntroductionUX designResultsIn the press


Nature and the biodiversity in the Netherlands are under pressure. Climate change, excessive nitrogen (stikstof), and water quality all affect the quality of nature. Natuurmonumenten was looking for new ways to raise awareness of these issues and mobilize people for their cause.


Develop new marketing mechanisms that can be used in campaigns. Raise awareness for the issues that are impacting nature in the Netherlands. Mobilize people to take action and leave their support.

About Natuurmonumenten

Natuurmonumenten is the leading nature preservation non-profit in the Netherlands. With over 922.000 members they protect more than 110.000 acres of nature.

UX design

Three new mechanisms

Collaborating with the marketing team, I developed three innovative mechanisms: a petition, a quiz/survey, and concrete donation options. I created initial wireframes for each concept and worked closely with the marketers to refine them further

User flow for petition signing

We looked closely at the steps a user would take during the campaign to identify key stages and touchpoints. Using this flow, I compiled a list of ideas to effectively communicate the campaign's message and the importance of their signature.



With a petition, users can support a common cause and let their voices be heard.

Natuurmonumenten would collect signatures for a specific topic and take the signatures to the government responsible for taking action.

Collecting signatures was the primary goal of this mechanism. Conversion and lead generation came secondary. As a result, I removed most of the lead generation fields we usually have in our campaigns.

I've added mechanisms such as a signature counter with a progress bar and other social proofing elements to stimulate the signing of the petition.


Surveys can help raise awareness of issues in a playful way. I designed the surveys to be visually attractive using header images and images in the answers.

Every question could trigger the visitor to think about the subject while answering.

Data generated by the survey was collected and could be used to generate reports and press releases.


The assumption was that people would donate more when the goal of donation was more concrete (for example: trees to be planted).

I designed form elements that support icons to indicate what you're donating.

FAQ element

To have more space for an explanation of the topic I designed a FAQ element that could show and hide answers to questions.

It proved so useful for these campaign pages that it was rolled out throughout the Natuurmonumenten website to pages like the service page.


I collaborated with PuurPXL for the visual design of the petition and the quiz. Both were implemented by our development partner iO and released in 2021, just in time for the first major campaign: the national garden survey and the "Save the insects" petition.

✔ Petition: 100.000+ signatures annually for the past 4 years

The petition is a huge success, driving lots of engagement on important topics like water quality and insecticide bans.

✔ Quiz: 44.000 responses

81% of respondents want to enhance their garden to better support nature.
result (petition)
result (quiz)

Press coverage

On April 23, forest rangers offered no fewer than 81,497 personal get-well wishes for nature to Members of Parliament. They took a seat on the 'seat for nature' and listened to get-well wishes via headphones.

Reach out

Roel van der Kraan
UX/UI designer

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